Friday, May 4, 2012

BEDIM 5 - Children's Day

May 5th is Children's Day in Korea. For what I've gathered from the kids I teach, they love it because they get presents and have a nice holiday (sounds kind of like what I call Christmas), and the English Village I work for is hosting a number of activities today for families. I've heard that it will be extremely crowded and hectic, but so far, it doesn't seem so bad. (True, I haven't yet left my apartment, so we'll see what it's like when I go out today.)
This picture is of a big fake tree decorated for Children's Day at Everland, the same big fake tree that was decked out in Halloween ghosts when I was there last year. I also totally copied and pasted this from Google images.

I'm heading into Seoul this afternoon, so today's post will be rather short as I need to get packing. I did notice, though, that my post from yesterday got about 40 views. That's 40 more than usual. I wondered if the Star Wars related content was the culprit, so I googled "may the fourth be with you" and amazingly my dinky little post was on the first page! I thought that was fun.
Welp, I'm off to Seoul, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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