Well, well ,well....
Today's date, 12-12-12, is the last repeating number date that I'll ever see, and likely the rest of today's living population (unless recently born people live into their 90's... Anyway, it's a good enough reason to write in my precious little blog, right?
At 12 AM this morning I was going to take special note when the clock hit all 12s, but I got distracted and missed it! Then at 12 PM today I thought the same thing and missed it again! Oh well, I got to live through the whole "11-11-11 11:11:11" thing last year and even got a screen cap of it. Yay me, I'll always remember that I waste time on my computer on cool dates (the day dates, not the two-people-going-out dates. Ha... ahem...).
Anyway, I'm still alive. I really don't think anyone reads my blog, but that is really just fine with me.
I've been back home in the States for a few months now, and so far everything is pretty normal, just like it was before I went to South Korea.
I have my old lovely job again of being a librarian, and I'm filling my free time with piano lessons and being crafty (you should see the Harry Potter wands I made! Amazing!), and playing with my bestie friend. I've also started to take an interest in learning to cook, both for fun and because I'll starve and die someday if I don't.
I'm really not very interesting these days, which is partly (or mainly) why I don't blog or youtube that much/ever, but I think I ought to get back into it. It's nice to express myself.
I had the thought the other night as I fell asleep that I should read Les Miserables and blog about that since it would keep me reading and writing. I've seen the play and a couple movie version (and I'm looking forward to the new movie coming this Christmas), but what inspires me to read the million-paged novel is that a friend of mine had her copy of the book underlined and post-it noted all over the place. I thumbed through her copy and read some of the parts that she noted and I was taken by how amazing things were. Little life lessons and inspiring words filled the book. I think I'll try the same. Might as well get something out of reading, yes?
So, to my dozens and dozens of non-readers out there, have you read Les Mis? What did you think?
Merry Christmas everyone!
You made Harry Potter wands? You, sir, have earned yourself a follower.