Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First Post of 2013!

Hey guys! Happy New Year! I hope that everything this year is awesome.
Today I had the day off and was super lazy (though I did organize my room and move some furniture). I think I'm getting the beginnings of a cold (NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!) so I'm trying to take it easy. I've been reading Les Mis and I'm only 45 pages in, but I'm taking it super slow and easy. So far it's got some really nice writing, and it's all about a priest who is absent from the different film versions I've seen, aside from the candlestick scene.
I've been looking up old Nintendo images that I might be able to make into a blanket or something. I get these crafty urges and they just won't die! The picture below is much more ambitious than I'll attempt, but something smaller and 8-bit will do just fine.
Welp, I don't know how often I'll write in this thing this year but I'll hopefully keep it from desertion - it seems that among my friends-with-blogs that the blogging fad seems to have died down quite a bit. If there are any readers out there, feel free to leave me comments or suggestions because it will make writing a bunch more fun and motivating!

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